Designated Roth Accounts for Retirement
- § 7.01 Overview of Taxation of Designated Roth Accounts
- —–[1] Nontaxable Qualified Distributions
- —–[2] Taxable Nonqualified Distributions
- —–[3] Transfers to a Roth IRA or Another Designated Roth Account
- —–[4] Income Tax Withholding
- § 7.02 Tax-Free Qualified Distributions from an Account
- —–[1] Qualification Requirements
- —–[2] Some Specific Excluded or Included Distributions
- —–[3] Qualified Distributions to a Beneficiary or Alternate Payee
- § 7.03 Taxation of Nonqualified Distributions from a Roth Account
- —–[1] Nonqualified Distributions Generally Taxable
- —–[2] Nonqualified Distributions That Are Annuity Payments
- —–[3] Nonqualified Distributions That Are Non-Annuity Payments
- —–[4] Investment in a Roth Program
- § 7.04 Restrictions on Distributions from Roth Accounts
- —–[1] Overall Plan Restrictions Generally Apply
- —–[2] Earliest Date Distributions May Commence
- —–[3] The Additional Tax on Early Distributions
- —–[4] The Latest Date Distributions May Begin
- § 7.05 Spousal Annuity Requirements
- § 7.06 Tax Treatment of Distributed Employer Securities
- § 7.07 Distribution of an Annuity Contract
- § 7.08 Qualified Loans from Roth Accounts
- § 7.09 Aggregation and Division of Designated Roth Accounts
- § 7.10 Artificial Augmenting of Roth Accounts
- § 7.11 Personal Borrowing While Maintaining a Roth Account
- § 7.12 Tax Withholding from Roth Account Distributions
- § 7.13 Comparison of Roth Accounts with Roth IRAs
- § 7.14 Nontaxable Rollovers of Distributions from a Roth Account
- —–[1] Rollover to Either a Roth Account or Roth IRA
- —–[2] Rollovers to Other Roth Accounts
- —–[3] Rollovers to Roth IRAs
- —–[4] Distributions Eligible for Rollover
- —–[5] Failure to Make an Indirect Rollover within 60 Days
- —–[6] Distribution Restrictions on Funds Previously Rolled Over
- —–[7] Rollovers by a Spouse, Former Spouse, or Surviving Spouse
- —–[8] Beneficiary Rollover to a Roth IRA in the Name of the Retiree
- —–[9] Multiple Rollovers from a Single Designated Roth Account Distribution
- § 7.15 Taxable Rollovers from Non-Roth Accounts to Roth Accounts
- —–[1] Rollover Contributions Only within the Same Plan
- —–[2] Alternative Methods for Making Roth Conversions
- —–[3] Special Rules Applicable to Roth Conversions
- —–[4] Roth Conversions by Surviving Spouse
- —–[5] Two-Year Deferral of Income from Roth Conversions
- —–[6] Comparison of Roth Conversions Made to Roth Accounts and Roth IRAs
- —–[7] Multiple Rollovers from a Single Distribution by a Non-Roth Account
- § 7.16 More Tax Planning Considerations
- —–[1] Planning for Rollovers and Roth Conversions
- —–[2] Rollovers from Roth Accounts to Other Roth Accounts
- —–[3] Rollovers from Roth Accounts to Roth IRAs
- —–[4] Choice of Rollover to another Roth Account or to a Roth IRA
- —–[5] Planning with Roth Conversions
- § 7.17 Roth Accounts in Eligible State or Local Government Plans
- —–[1] Same General Roth Account Rules Applicable
- —–[2] Earliest Date Distributions May Commence
- —–[3] The Additional Tax for Early Distribution
- —–[4] Spousal Annuity Requirements Not Applicable
- § 7.18 Tax on Net Investment Income Not Applicable
- § 7.19 Estate or Gift Tax Imposed on Plan Benefits