Funded NonQualified Retirement Plans
- § 10.01 Overview of Taxation of Plan Participants
- —–[1] Plans Not Funded Through Trusts
- —–[2] Annuities Used to Fund Nonqualified Plans
- —–[3] Trusts Used to Fund Nonqualified Plans
- —–[4] Annuity Payments Under a Plan Funded by a Trust or Annuity
- —–[5] Non-Annuity Payments Under a Plan Funded by a Trust or Annuity
- —–[6] Premature Distributions Under a Plan Funded by a Trust or Annuity
- —–[7] Borrowing Under a Plan Funded by a Trust or Annuity
- —–[8] Proceeds of Life Insurance Contracts
- —–[9] Golden Parachute Payments
- —-[10] Income Tax Withholding
- § 10.02 Attributes of Funded Nonqualified Plans
- § 10.03 Date Retirement Benefits May Begin
- § 10.04 Plans Not Funded Through Trusts
- —–[1] Taxation of Property Interests Received
- ———-[a] Treatment of Property Interests Generally
- ———-[b] Meaning of Substantial Risk of Forfeiture
- —————[i] The IRS Position
- —————[ii] The Robinson Case
- —————[iii] Applicability [to Property Held by a Retiree
- —————[iv] Retiree Who Is a Stockholder
- —–[2] Taxation of Income Earned by the Plan
- —–[3] Treatment of Forfeitures Under the Plan
- —–[4] Taxation of Proceeds from the Sale of Plan Property
- —–[5] Gift of Unvested Property
- —–[6] Death of Participant Before Vesting of Property
- —–[7] Grants of Stock Options to Employees
- § 10.05 Annuities Used to Fund Nonqualified Plans
- § 10.06 Trusts Used to Fund Nonqualified Plans
- —–[1] Trust Plans Favoring Highly Compensated Employees
- —–[2] Plan Disqualified Only Because Discriminatory
- —–[3] Non-Discriminatory Plan Disqualified for Other Reasons
- —–[4] Discriminatory Plan Also Disqualified for Other Reasons
- —–[5] Nonqualified Trust Interest of a Highly Compensated Employee
- § 10.07 Penalty Tax on Premature Trust or Annuity Distributions
- —–[1] General Applicability of the Penalty and Exceptions
- —–[2] Exceptions for Former Qualified Plans
- —–[3] Funded Nonqualified Plans from Inception
- —–[4] Plan Loans to Taxpayers or Beneficiaries
- § 10.08 Investment in a Plan (or Plan Program) Funded by a Trust or Annuity
- —–[1] Identification of Plan Programs
- —–[2] Determination of Employee Investment in a Plan Program
- ———-[a] Specified Contributions Less Previous Recovery of Investment
- ———-[b] Investment in a Plan or Plan Program Illustrated
- ———-[c] Trust Purchasing and Distributing an Annuity
- § 10.09 Annuity Payments from a Trust or Annuity Contract
- —–[1] How Annuity Payments from a Trust or Annuity May Originate
- —–[2] Amounts Received as an Annuity
- ———-[a] When Payments Are Taxable as Annuity Payments
- ———-[b] Variable Annuity Payments
- ———-[c] Interest Payments Not Annuity Payments
- —–[3] Taxation of Annuity Payments
- —–[4] A Plan’s Recoupment of Annuity Overpayments
- § 10.10 Non-Annuity Distributions from a Trust or Annuity Contract
- —–[1] Taxation of Non-Annuity Distributions
- —–[2] Certain Non-Annuity Payments Not Taxed
- —–[3] Non-Annuity Payments Partially Taxed
- —–[4] Non-Annuity Payments Fully Taxed
- —–[5] Deduction of Loss on Final Non-Annuity Distribution
- —–[6] Planning the Timing of a Lump Sum Distribution
- —–[7] Lump Sum Converted to Annuity (Wholly or Partially)
- —–[8] . Retiree Repayment of Excessive Final Distribution
- § 10.11 Special Treatment of Distributions of Employee Contributions
- § 10.12 Life Insurance Policy Owned by an Employer or Plan Trust
- —–[1] Tax Treatment of Proceeds from Life Insurance Purchased by Employer or Plan
- —–[2] Tax Treatment of Cost of Life Insurance Purchased by Employer or Plan
- § 10.13 Plan Distributions of Disability or Medical Reimbursement Benefits
- § 10.14 Plan Loans to Retirees
- —–[1] Loans by Government Plans and Former Qualified Retirement Plans
- —–[2] Loans by Other Funded Nonqualified Plans
- § 10.15 State Community Property Laws Generally Overridden
- § 10.16 Golden Parachute Payments
- § 10.17 Tax Withholding Under Funded Nonqualified Plans
- —–[1] Income Tax Withholding on Contributions and Distributions
- —–[2] Withholding of Social Security Taxes
- § 10.18 Tax on Net Investment Income Generally Not Applicable
- § 10.19 Estate or Gift Tax Imposed on Plan Benefits